Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Family Album


The Family Album

In May of 2007, I discovered the following Thought of the Day and shared it with my husband Larry Van Horn. I discovered it this afternoon; he had written in it in one of his genealogical journals.  This amazing description of a family album is as relevant today as it was in 2007. I know Larry would want me to share it with all our blog readers, and genealogy groups. .
I hope you enjoy it.
Gayle Van Horn

The Family Album
Pull out that old family album and scan the faces. These people on these pages brought you to this point.
Their lives are the cornerstones of your life. Their sacrifices are your mandate to continue building … invest in yourself … and in all that comes next.

Just as they formed your foundation – your work lays a foundation for lives after you.
Your family album is a picture of the tenacity and strength in your DNA. It is a study of perseverance. Secrets of survival that carry through your veins.

To settle for less than you are capable of is to squander not just your life – but their lives – and your legacy to future generations. One generation’s position is the next generation's reposition. Picture that!
(Thought of the Day by T.D. Jakes)
27 May 2007)